Silencing the will of the minority?

The debate for a new constitution has gained momentum and just like a wave in the ocean nothing seems to stand on its way. To me it all seems like the document has been passed and what remains is to see what will happen in trying to implement what many have called a very ambitious document.

My concern is that we in the media have not taken our positions. We have instead fallen in love with the proponents of the new constitution while shoving aside the opponents of the proposal. We have actually glorified the document and bought claims that 90 percent of the document is good while forgotting to listen to what the opponents are saying.

Are they for example justified in expressing their fears about land? Do they have a ponit when they say that the government will take away people's land? Are the clerics having it right when they say that the proposed constitution allows abortion and provides for gay marriages? Are they just making noise when they say that the draft gives one religion dormination over others?

Much of these concerns have being dismissed as voices of landgrabbers and clerics who have no moral authority to shout from the mountain top about issues which themselves are accused of.

But are the accusers any cleaner? Don't they have skeletons in their closets which they would rather not reveal? Or is this a battle about the new constitution or it a political battle.

Dispatch considers the media an important ingredient in change. But it cannot voice its concern when it is part and parcel of the proposing team. And now that we have lost the battle in raising the concerns of the people as they are , can we now start considering how to keep the government on its toes on the implementation of the draft.
Are we equal to the task or we will once again be silenced to follow what government fatcats are feeding us?


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