If you can’t nail her, let her go….

Former Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary
Ms Ann Waiguru
Source: www.politics.co.ke
If the Government through its hallowed institutions like the EACC and Parliament’s PAC cannot nail Former CS Ann Waiguru for the theft of Kshs 791 million from the National Youth Service, they should let her go. Period.
This is because the probe by PAC and other associated institutions has turned into a circus. In my opinion, the probe has not yielded much and instead of exposing the alleged scam, it has turned into a political witch hunt where the opposition takes advantage of the alleged graft in Government to advance its course. 
On the other hand, Government MPs take sides and only offer placates when it comes to probing the scam because it doesn’t want to be seen as playing into the hands of the opposition.
Ms Waiguru has been presented before the court of public opinion, tried, judged and found guilty. Her identity, image and reputation have been compromised and as things stand now, she is widely perceived as the most corrupt female minister who oversaw the loss of millions of public finances.
 However, as long as she has not been presented before any court of law, she remains innocent. And even if she was to be presented before any court of law, she would remain innocent, be accorded a fair hearing and representation until the day when she is convicted. That is the law.
I knew that the war was lost when we started focussing on her facials, her near perfect round yellow face, her finger rings, her body hugging dress, make-up and hair style. In fact one senior politician summarised her as engaging in “flashy catwalk” and a defence laced with lots of English.
When the campaign to get her out of the Ministry of Planning and Devolution started, it was meant to attack power. Then, she was considered to be close to President Uhuru Kenyatta and therefore any accusation of corruption would be an attack to the President in person.
Maybe the objectives of the accusers were achieved and there is no need to continue with the campaign anymore.
When she resigned, Ms Waiguru said that she had done so because of “sustained attacks” by mischievous parties on her person and family which led to the deterioration of her health. It was also understood that she resigned due to pressure from inside the Jubilee government and the perception that she had become a liability to the government.
One year down the line, Ms Waiguru still walks free and what is left accusers and sympathizers is now to appear as the ones who were hard on her or who were on her side during the probe.
To me, the probe is lost and all I can see are maybes: Maybe she suffers because she is a woman.  Maybe the drama is good for publicity. Maybe the NYS scandal provides good soundbytes. Maybe the scandal provides good and sustained allowances for the members.
As currently constituted and within the confines of the law Parliament cannot fully resolve the issue. Vested interests and a credibility crisis greatly hamper the effectiveness of PAC to deliver a solution to the alleged graft. If they cannot do so, they should admit as such and let her go.



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