Yes, you told Pat Robertson we have aids.......
Last week #KOT and Facebook exploded over claims by American tele-evangelist Pat Robertson that one could contract Aids through the use of towels and especially here in Kenya. The popular presenter Pat Robertson even warned that water in Africa was the most unhygienic and therefore the most unsafe to drink. Although Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) retracted the utterance from the octogenarian right wing preacher, I must admit that his view represents the views of many people in the North largely because of the influence of the western Media and the way we in Africa project ourselves. Ask any political leader or development advocate who went to the west for a mission. If they can be honest with you, they would tell you that they went to market Africa as the ultimate place of suffering. It’s a place where all children have protruding bellies because of suffering the ravages of a combination of kwashiorkor, marasmus and beri beri. They will carry with them photographs of ...